- Signal inputs are selectable 0-20mA (0-5V) / 4-20mA (1-5V)
- Linearizing power adjusted by computer technology. When the load is resistive, its output
- power is proportional to input signal.
- Phase failure and over-shoot checking and alarming. In addition,
- Automatic synchronization. Not necessary to check the sequence of thyristor trigger wires.
- Application of complete electric isolation and “burnt proof” technology. It is very reliable, and has little interference to input terminals.
- Soft-start / soft-stop function with current feedback and adjustable delay time. Suitable for
- MoSi2 heating elements, tungsten filaments, electromotors, and inductive loads.
- Equipped with on-off power, which be directly supplied by 220VAC power, and can provide two groups of 5VDC and 24V DC outputs.
- Load : Resistive / Resistance and inductance load
- Wiring : three-phase four-wire, two-phase and single-phase / three-phase three- wire
- Trigger mode : ON: zero-crossing trigger
- Failure check and alarm : Power phase failure, over-shoot, thyristor shoot through and load open circuit / power phase failure and over-shoot
- Control Input : 0-20mA and 4-20mA
- Signal Inputs are Selectable
- Trigger Output : Linear phase Angle Fired output (Designed up to 300A)
- Alarm : Phase failure and over shoot checking and alarming
- Power Supply : 220 VAC
- Size : 80 × 150 × 35mm
- Model AIJK30, AIJK33